

My Muse Is Gone

I have been trying to do some art in my journal and I just can't find my place... my muse is gone!  It has been gone for quite a while.

Maybe it's because I've been struggling with stuff!  Mind stuff.  You know the kind of thoughts that wander and just can't keep your mind on one thing.

I am thinking I should be doing something else, not art.  It feels like I'm lost and don't know which way to turn.  Something stifling my ideas.  Can't put them on paper.  Although, I have never been a writer in my journal.   I want to be, but just can't find the words.

I have had to move up to the kitchen due to water in our basement and hubs has the TV so loud, I can't concentrate!  Do I blame him?  No.  I have just lost my muse.... hopefully it will come back soon.


  1. Mary Werner12:33 AM

    She is probably just waiting in the basement. I loose mine EVERY single time my kids come to visit as I pack up a lot of my current stuff to make room for them and my muse hides with the stuff. I get my stuff out after but my muse is afraid and still won't come out for a while. I did get very over excited when I changed the route my art was taking. I am working on a new project which is quite different from all previous and once again my muse jumped for joy and is actively helping (actually she just took over) and I am so happy and busy. If you are looking for inspiration look at Visual Blessings blog OR take a class in something that uses your media but is different from what you normally do. We want to stay with us! Thanks for all your postings and time.

  2. Thanks Mary. I am checking Visual Blessings Blog now. Seems since the water in the basement in June I've been in a funk and had to move my studio to the kitchen! Thanks so much for your comment!

  3. Thanks Mary. I am checking Visual Blessings Blog now. Seems since the water in the basement in June I've been in a funk and had to move my studio to the kitchen! Thanks so much for your comment!
